maxwell: black summer’s night…


I’m not gonna lie…I’m irritated out of my mind at Maxwell.  For someone who hasn’t released an album since 2001 this guy sure did hype up the release of his ‘new’ album trilogy and then left me and the rest of his fans thoroughly upset.

His myspace page says that he would release the album or at least a single on Valentine’s Day this year (2007)…but there has been nothing as of yet…and what more…he hasn’t updated or changed his myspace page accordingly. 

So a word to Maxwell…if he’s reading this…  What’s up?!  Why are you gonna post something like your release date, then tell me that you weren’t satisfied with the finished product, and then not even update me or give me a date as to when I can expect to pick up your album.  I love your music…I can’t lie about that.  You are an awesome musician and singer, but why the long wait…SERIOUSLY!  Yes, I’ll buy your album and hype you up to all my friends and family…yes, I’ll go to your concert…but I have to tell you that you have let me down and I am disappointed.  I hyped you up back in February and both my girl Andra and I were excited out of our minds.  Valentine’s Day came and went…and no word from you.

I think I could speak on behalf of all your fans when I say “I hope you release this album before the end of the year.  You promised us 3 albums…one a year for 3 years…starting in 2007.   I can assure you that we will love the album and with all this anticipation brewing I PRAY that it’s phenomenal, chart busting and record breaking.”

~ by visionaryvanguard on Tuesday, 2007 August 28.

17 Responses to “maxwell: black summer’s night…”

  1. I love it that you think Maxwell is reading your blog!!! hahahahah

  2. i share the same feeling with you,
    arrrggghhh tired of waiting…
    but can’t help expecting…

  3. last release was 2004, not 2001… maybe you need an update.

  4. Hello my name is Stephanie Jordan and I would love to purchase Maxwell’s new CD but here in Fortmyers FL. it’s hard to find please update me if you are reading this Maxwell.

  5. I love Maxwell. We all know that Maxwell is not the big exec’s that is over releasing his masterpiece- or it would be out. Maxwell do your thang baby. I saw you in Alabama, and I saw you in Orlando house of blues! You are bad man! Do the damn thing!

  6. Hey Max, me and my boyfriend love your songs. And we are also waiting for your new album. what a better offer for Valentine´s 08 than listen to new songs of my idol.
    love u man

    good luck

  7. Can anyone give the actual date of the albums release.


  9. I was very pissed when he did that. He has been gone for too long.

  10. Relax everyone, being the creative and talented artist he is, the delay means he is perfecting his craft. R&B has not been the same for many years and I pray M’s reemergence back on the scene brings what has been missing, love, joy, loss, pain, redemption back to the music we all care some much about. Let 2008 be the year for BSN, the year that R&B came back to its people and its fans. Maxwell it’s time!

  11. Oh Gosh! I heard Pretty Wings…I can’t wait to hear what he’s got in store for us..He’s a truly talented amazzinggly sexy and soulful artist. Hurry up Maxwell!!

  12. first of all as fans its understandable that you are upset, but come on…you are not writing the songs or producing it etc.. you guys are complaining that one of the last of the greatest RB singers is taking way too long, but not seeing in it a different pespective. As an artist perfection is a key element. If M has blazed you with songs you love so damn much …then he is going to hit you even harder with his latest…people, its called antcipation, just wait. If you were a true fan then i would be patient and wait for the best to come because this is going to be one of his best releases. bottom line…at least he gives you what your soul needs.. no need to blast the man’s name.

  13. oh and regardless of how long you’re still going buy it. so there is no sense of getting worked over about it. Now if there wasnt a concert..then thats different…btw im seeing the concert in October which should be lovely!

  14. if it is a baby then we cud have asked the doctors to get their acts together n do sumtng bout but i guess this 1 is worth waiting coz the guy is always sugar

  15. it might be time to scrap this album and work a knew project.

  16. has maxwell release BlackSummers Night album? by the way i hope he reads this. When are you coming to South Africa – you have loads of fans there and we absolutely adore your music!!! if you promise to come – we will make sure we pack all the stadiums to come and enjoy your gift of voice! you are incredible and are the epitome of good music. I always say to my friends – there are Musicians and there is maxwell. you are in your own league dude! we love you in South Africa. Our radio stations play your music nonstop. youknwo what else we like – your music is of such quality – it never goes out of fashion. right now im listening to Cococure! and though ive had the album for year its only recently that it started to resonate with me. and that is the beauty about your music. it just doesnt loose touch with seasons or time. it gets better and better! go on bravo! believe in yourself more coz your fans believe in you in a hectic way. I love the new look as well- its mellow and a suprise and that is what you are famous for: ‘suprises”. the last time we saw you, you spoted an afro and now—-WOW! you look just as hot. keep doing what you are doing. We are praying for you. i could go on and on about you! you are truely a gift from God to women and men.

  17. i am actually going to my first maxwell concert tonite in va beach, va and i will admit i really did not follow your music; but when i heard pretty wings i was truly touched and i am looking forward to your concert tonite.

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